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World War I in 1918

The re-entry of Romania in the First World War

The military and economic power of the Entente was such that the fate of the war was finally decided in the second half of 1918. Tired of the war effort, the Central Powers began to ask for peace one after the other. The first country to request an armistice was...

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The Vardar Offensive and Romania

Most often political and military events are handled and viewed by politicians in different ways. But what distinguishes good politicians from mediocre ones is the vision and the capacity to anticipate the consequences that an event can have on the country. This is...

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Romania and the military events of the summer of 1918

What Romania went through in 1918 can be characterised very well by a famous saying: from agony to ecstasy. On August 27, 1916, Romania entered the First World War on the side of the Entente, with the purpose of uniting to the country the provinces inhabited by...

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1916- The revenge of the Germans in Bucharest

Shortly after occupying Bucharest in 1916, the German military devastated the homes of several Romanian politicians who supported, during the country’s neutrality, the entrance of Romania in the war on the side of the Entente. In his memoirs, Vasile Th. Cancicov...

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The Battle of Orșova

Both the documents of the time, as well as the works that appeared after the First World War, give a broad description of the military actions carried out in the area of Vârciorova- Orşova (Mehedinţi County) and highlight how the Romanian soldier fully understood his...

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